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Link to Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/fashion/clock-san-miguel-de-allende-mexico.html
In the Mexican city of San Miguel de Allende, the Vázquezes have maintained the town clock for four decades.
Retirement plans are as unique as the individuals who are looking forward to the day when work, at least as they know it, comes to an end. For some, retirement can mean a career change to a long wished for profession or more time to devote to a...
SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, MEXICO — The undeniable charm of this town is obvious at first glance: multicolored homes stacked neatly into soft mountain ranges, alleyways kissed with bougainvillea vines, daily firework displays and feathered da...
In the heart of Mexico is an emerging natural wine region that also boasts an abundance of hot springs; dozens of artisanal cheese factories; lavender fields in a neighbouring ghost town, Mineral de Pozos, dotted with abandoned mines and be...
Link to actual article: https://www.travelpulse.com/news/business-travel/san-miguel-de-allende-to-welcome-a-new-world-trade-center.html
San Miguel de Allende will soon host a new representation of the World Trade Center (WTC), which is e...